Maple Leaf Canadian and Family Owned



Order from s.t.o.p Restaurant Supply and ship with your Flanagan order



Flanagan’s and s.t.o.p. offer you next day delivery plus:


Cups plates and cutlery with stop restaurant supply logo

  • Access to more than 5,000 smallwares items and restaurant equipment
  • Streamlined ordering from s.t.o.p. with your Flanagan order
  • One convenient invoice
  • Without making a trip to a store, you can simply order smallwares and equipment and add them to your Flanagan order.  


s.t.o.p. has three locations (Kitchener, Sudbury and Burlington), so that through the extensive Flanagan distribution system they can serve all of Ontario virtually overnight. Hamilton Store Fixtures is also a division of s.t.o.p. Restaurant Supply.

Check out the thousands of items in s.t.o.p.’s online catalog at or visit one of there restaurant supply stores, then talk to your Flanagan sales representative about adding purchases to your next Flanagan order.




